The State of Enlightenment
Now you know, your God is the Universal Being, upholding all the seeds of creation and all varieties of energy, Mother Nature, which gives birth to those seeds in different forms, instincts and purposes of existence.
Now you know, as God becomes this universe, holding it within Him at the Background of all existence, His Soul of Love, Energy and Light of Knowledge exist in every atom, every variety and condition of existence, more or less according to the potential of that creation. Although God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient and every existence carries His soul, not everyone is capable of conceiving Him.
You love God as your Supreme Father through your spiritual practice. You try to feel and conceive oneness with Him. You can only be successful in this attempt when you can love and feel oneness with the creations, beyond the influence of all the currents of attraction and repulsion. When you can feel the existence of God or yourself in everything in creation, you can fully find and feel oneness of your being with God at the Background of all existence in all that exists in Him as creation.
That is the state of your final Enlightenment. At this state, you feel no separation from any existence, as all are the reflection of your being, a part of God. You cannot love and worship your God or your Guru and hate and ignore others, when you know that the source of creation is God in all conditions of creation. All are interrelated. The purpose of existence is to help other creations to love and grow.
You exist with your love for your Guru or God, and some of your friends and other devotees suitable for your life and growth. You protect your self, family and friends from those who live in their own world of illusion and who might create disturbance and backpulls to their lives.
‘Love all’ does not mean you live with all. Help all as much as you can to unfold and awaken them towards their life and growth and the condition of their love, unity and peace within their own environment. Amalgamation of life with those whose conduction and reflection creates pulls on the life to remove it from its adherence to God should be avoided. Only when you are fully drawn towards your beloved Prophet or Master and carry His love to your life and relations can you achieve the strength to overcome any other reflection, influence or disturbing elements in your life.
You have to live your life so that you can remain balanced and peaceful, full of the Lord’s love and strength and in the best condition of your existence to feel always one with your God. This is the secret of your spiritual life. This is the purpose of following your faith and your Guide.
Our life consists of our body, mind and soul, with different instincts, inclinations and the urge to evolve. We have to take care of our physical body, mental health and spiritual growth for our soul. The growth of our entire life depends on the intensity of our devotion, faith and love for our Master or Prophet. It is a true Master whose active Holy Spirit energizes the Holy Spirit of the devotee. It is that spirit that helps the right being and becoming of the devotee, along with others.
Through devotion and faith you learn obedience to his teachings and guidance. The more you follow, the more you achieve self-adjustment and self-elevation with the accumulation of the Master’s knowledge, the Lord’s love and spiritual strength, beyond any other influence of the world.
As the devotee knows God exists in everyone, so he can pick up good qualities from others through respect for them. The wise devotee is always humble, respectful and surrendered to the Holy Spirit or God. This surrender helps him to render himself above any other attraction, diversion, amalgamation or confinement to keep himself ever free. This is a most important part of spiritual life in the process of spiritual practice and success.
As the devotee should be physically clean, so he should be mentally clean. To be mentally clean means that the mind has no hatred, jealousy, disrespect, confusion or ignorance. That is only possible when the mind is tuned with the Holy Name of God, with Pure Consciousness, the bed of all Light and Knowledge.
The devotee must be pure in heart. Then the flow of love carries the spirit of God always shining for everyone. Then his affection and love is not obsessed by any object of special liking or fascination. That is only possible when the heart is given to the Lord or God, as is a true Master’s heart, which enables him to love all spontaneously without any condition, reservation or question. The devotee’s soul should shine without fog or cloud, illusion or Maya. When his soul is clean, his self dissolves into it with his mind and heart. He realizes the Eternal Soul as Creator and creation, as the Supreme Father.
Blessed are those who have the strength and right spiritual force with divine love and knowledge to keep the body, mind, heart and soul ever clean.
So it is said, ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’.
Now you know, as God becomes this universe, holding it within Him at the Background of all existence, His Soul of Love, Energy and Light of Knowledge exist in every atom, every variety and condition of existence, more or less according to the potential of that creation. Although God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient and every existence carries His soul, not everyone is capable of conceiving Him.
You love God as your Supreme Father through your spiritual practice. You try to feel and conceive oneness with Him. You can only be successful in this attempt when you can love and feel oneness with the creations, beyond the influence of all the currents of attraction and repulsion. When you can feel the existence of God or yourself in everything in creation, you can fully find and feel oneness of your being with God at the Background of all existence in all that exists in Him as creation.
That is the state of your final Enlightenment. At this state, you feel no separation from any existence, as all are the reflection of your being, a part of God. You cannot love and worship your God or your Guru and hate and ignore others, when you know that the source of creation is God in all conditions of creation. All are interrelated. The purpose of existence is to help other creations to love and grow.
You exist with your love for your Guru or God, and some of your friends and other devotees suitable for your life and growth. You protect your self, family and friends from those who live in their own world of illusion and who might create disturbance and backpulls to their lives.
‘Love all’ does not mean you live with all. Help all as much as you can to unfold and awaken them towards their life and growth and the condition of their love, unity and peace within their own environment. Amalgamation of life with those whose conduction and reflection creates pulls on the life to remove it from its adherence to God should be avoided. Only when you are fully drawn towards your beloved Prophet or Master and carry His love to your life and relations can you achieve the strength to overcome any other reflection, influence or disturbing elements in your life.
You have to live your life so that you can remain balanced and peaceful, full of the Lord’s love and strength and in the best condition of your existence to feel always one with your God. This is the secret of your spiritual life. This is the purpose of following your faith and your Guide.
Our life consists of our body, mind and soul, with different instincts, inclinations and the urge to evolve. We have to take care of our physical body, mental health and spiritual growth for our soul. The growth of our entire life depends on the intensity of our devotion, faith and love for our Master or Prophet. It is a true Master whose active Holy Spirit energizes the Holy Spirit of the devotee. It is that spirit that helps the right being and becoming of the devotee, along with others.
Through devotion and faith you learn obedience to his teachings and guidance. The more you follow, the more you achieve self-adjustment and self-elevation with the accumulation of the Master’s knowledge, the Lord’s love and spiritual strength, beyond any other influence of the world.
As the devotee knows God exists in everyone, so he can pick up good qualities from others through respect for them. The wise devotee is always humble, respectful and surrendered to the Holy Spirit or God. This surrender helps him to render himself above any other attraction, diversion, amalgamation or confinement to keep himself ever free. This is a most important part of spiritual life in the process of spiritual practice and success.
As the devotee should be physically clean, so he should be mentally clean. To be mentally clean means that the mind has no hatred, jealousy, disrespect, confusion or ignorance. That is only possible when the mind is tuned with the Holy Name of God, with Pure Consciousness, the bed of all Light and Knowledge.
The devotee must be pure in heart. Then the flow of love carries the spirit of God always shining for everyone. Then his affection and love is not obsessed by any object of special liking or fascination. That is only possible when the heart is given to the Lord or God, as is a true Master’s heart, which enables him to love all spontaneously without any condition, reservation or question. The devotee’s soul should shine without fog or cloud, illusion or Maya. When his soul is clean, his self dissolves into it with his mind and heart. He realizes the Eternal Soul as Creator and creation, as the Supreme Father.
Blessed are those who have the strength and right spiritual force with divine love and knowledge to keep the body, mind, heart and soul ever clean.
So it is said, ‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’.