On Meditation
Maharaj said that as we wash our bodies every day with water, so we should wash our minds with meditation. He said meditation means the common practices of self-introspection and self-adjustment of the changeable self; affirmation of the real nature as good, pure, true, holy, wise; and repetition of the Holy Name. He suggested practising meditation for 10-15 minutes every morning and night, sitting comfortably in a quiet place and focussing on the pituitary gland on the forehead. Sometimes he recommended lying on the back and focussing on the pineal gland at the back of the head to awaken motor-sensory co-ordination.
The following are some extracts from his books relating to meditation.
‘There is no meaning of faith, meditation, yoga or any spiritual services in life without correctly following the right principles of your life and its growth towards love, harmony and peace, with wisdom within and around. There is no meaning of any spiritual practices without knowing the self and its Reality. There is no meaning of a spiritual life without embracing the divinity that dispenses the dynamism of love, service and wisdom to life and the environment, and establishes the common Ideal of humanity’.
God, Guru & You
‘In every spiritual practice, there is a right yoga – the union of the self with the soul – to attain Self Realization, the realization of one’s Reality to achieve Eternal Life.
There is a proper meditation on the Mediator or Master, his ideal characteristics, guidance and divine messages, for the devotee to imbibe these qualities in life.
Devotees should also meditate on their own life and self and have self-introspection so that the spirit of their Master can work through their wishes, thoughts, actions, behaviour and relations, and adjust their character for the betterment of life.
Life is known by words, actions, behaviour, and the intentions behind the actions. Devotees should know who they are in their mortal self, in their own life, in their soul and in their Real Self. They should concentrate their mind so that the mind will be elevated towards Pure Consciousness to acquire knowledge and divine strength within to overcome all evils. They should have auto-suggestion about the purity, perfection, love, beauty, mercy and all goodness they carry as their Real Nature within themselves. They should maintain these qualities in their performance of life. This is spiritual practice.
As devotees have regular meditation, spiritual practice and demonstrate their elevation in daily life, they should also surrender their life to their Prophet or Master to such an extent that they can become the instrument at the Hand of God, to carry His spirit and messages to others. Thus devotees will be perfect torch-bearers all the time to flood the lives of others with love and light, without the least hesitation or doubt. This spontaneous divine ‘go’ of life keeps devotees empowered with all the divine forces of God, where no evil or weakness can enter. Thus they become courageous, powerful, free and feel themselves ever blessed. When a devotee’s life becomes ever charming, serviceable and cheerful, no depression can appear, no feelings of wants or worries appear, no sense of failure or any kind of frustration haunts the life’.
God, Guru & You
‘If the self does not have introspection, meditation and repetition of the Holy Name to absorb refuse in the eternal mind or Mother Nature, the exhaust gases that come from the mind are poisonous. The loving atmosphere in a family and society are contaminated. This is more poisonous than the exhaust of all the machines in large cities. Every human life is in hell, whether they go to church or temple or sit at the feet of any representative of the Master or not. Therefore so many teachings, good suggestions or inspiration that have been given do not work properly for the remedy or cure. So the world appears as a mental hospital’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘There is no meaning of your meditation, spiritual practice, yoga or any kind of church service or worshipping your mediator or God if you are not fully tuned with the Holy Spirit and divine qualities of your godhood in every step of your life, all the time’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘You should know what is the right meditation. Self-introspection, self-adjustment and self-elevation should be your constant practice. You are meant to enjoy your God within you and the beauty of the world. Enjoy the world and let the world enjoy you’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘Think to yourself that you hold your Lord or Guru in your heart. Then think how he guides you, saves you, corrects you and always carries you towards your elevation, your experience of love, harmony and peace.
Meditate how the same Cosmic Being created Himself as energy, power and the infinite varieties of existence. Meditate how this creation, transformation and unification with Him goes on everywhere.
Meditate how the laws of cause and effect work in every existence for transformation, realizing that nothing that exists is the same.
Meditate how time and the manifestation of energy with the laws of being and becoming work through Mother Nature in every existence.
Meditate through your conscience and one-pointedness of mind how the circle of birth and death, of souls and spirit, is going on, how different auras and vibrations in existence reflect and react on each other, what good or smoky vibrations are gathering, and act accordingly.
Meditate how the force of ego works in your life and under what conditions. When does ego come to the fore covering love and devotion? When does suspicion haunt the mind? When does depression catch the mind causing hopelessness, frustration, helplessness and lovelessness to appear as loneliness and grip the heart in hell? Find out the grounds and conditions that overpower you and act as the agents to harm you and others through jealousy, lust, greed, acute selfishness, anger and all kinds of self-destructive moods. When you can recognise the evil spirit, you can command it and drive it out.
Meditate the characteristics of the Holy Spirit and how it works to save lives from the influence of the evil spirit that causes suffering, sadness and total contraction of the being. The Holy Spirit creates love and expansion. The evil spirit creates lust and contraction. After every expansion in nature, there always follows a contraction. If expansion comes not only in material matters but also in the spiritual life, and if that life serves the holy purpose of God for the expansion of others, then expansion will again follow and there is no contraction.
Meditate the Holy Name. Repeat it with full devotion and faith. The Holy Name is the original Being of God. The more you repeat it and chant it within you, the more God’s spirit will awaken in you and you will become free’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘Let our meditation be perfect. As we meditate and follow, so we become. This being and becoming is the ultimate goal of every life. To follow the principles of being and becoming is the true religion of mankind’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘This transformation or the identity of one's self with one's Reality is the state of trance, the state of final Enlightenment.
Unless one has meditation or auto-suggestion on one's Real Nature of godhood as the Holy Spirit, thus raising oneself, any spiritual practice, meditation, prayer or praising God remains barren and there is no substantial effect. Unless that supreme excitement comes, meditation or union is incomplete.
The vital point is the crossing of one's soul with the Master's soul. Thus the intimacy or blending of the self with God is essential to attain Ultimate Enlightenment’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘Self introspection, self adjustment and self elevation in every moment of life is the right path to follow. Without doing this, no meditation or yoga, no learning or teaching or artificial spiritual practice can enlighten you to the truth, real love, expansion and elevation of the self.
The artificial performance of yoga or meditation or the rituals of any service in church, temple, mosque or synagogue without a real communion with the Holy Spirit or the Mediator we follow will only carry mankind towards a type of intoxication of the spirit which is identified with the ego satisfying one's fear of God. None should fear God, rather one should be careful not to hurt His spirit in anybody’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘The more you follow right teachings, yoga or meditation, the more you will be disturbed, as this is the natural consequence. You should be strong enough to overcome such disturbances. Where there is fire, cold air automatically comes to extinguish or inflame it the more’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘You should know that praising God or your Mediator or any other yoga, meditation or ritual or remaining charmed in God has no meaning unless you can also charm Him with your genuine faith and love and the right image of your life. You should trust yourself, have the self confidence that you carry the Holy Spirit and its divine qualities in your character with love and wisdom. As much as you can charm God or your Mediator with your life, love and activities, so much is His spirit awakened in you’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘Many practice different yogas in order to raise the self from the lower nature to the higher nature, to raise the kundalini from the lower chakras to the higher chakras. The different processes given by different yogis or spiritual teachers in both the east and the west may not be applicable to everyone, to those who really want to be free of illusions, ignorance and bondage.
Real yoga, the union of the self and the Holy Spirit, should work in every thought, word and action, not only at the particular moment of meditation or any kind of yoga.
Unless the mind is clean and tuned with Pure Consciousness, the heart is pure and filled with the eternal Love of God, the character is fully disciplined with right behaviour, respect and discriminating understanding in every step of life, yoga remains a mechanical and artificial performance in the attempt for enlightenment.
Yoga consists of the coordination of the conscience, mind and action, the coordination of the self, environment and Ideal so that life can play its role perfectly with ideal love and relationships, with its instinctive talents, to discharge its day-to-day duties and responsibilities.
Real yoga awakens the mind to the right judgement, right decisions and right ideas in order to materialise them in action. As you sow, so you reap. As you do, so you achieve. When we do anything perfectly that is good and fulfilling towards Our love and faith and for the interest of our Ideal, our spirit grows through those deeds and actions, with the manifestation of the holy teachings in our character.
As we do, so we become. It is the right being and becoming which accelerates our mind and heart towards further Enlightenment. It is the architect who makes the blueprint for the builder to follow. So the enlightened mind becomes the architect to build up our character. That is real yoga.
We plan what we should be and practise and become that. Any of the scriptures or holy messages of Prophets or Masters create an auto-initiative urge with devotion and faith to follow that guiding principle or spiritual force for the reorientation of life towards its Enlightenment.
Your meditation on your self and your Ideal should work simultaneously so that you can know the gap, the difference, and rightly introspect through the eyes of your Ideal or Master. When you adjust and reorient yourself in every moment of life for the immediate transformation of yourself to the Holy Spirit, that Holy Spirit becomes yourself and the guiding force in your life to enlighten others.
The more you inspire and help others for their correction and elevation, the more you try to be elevated, the more you become enlightened.
Enlightenment is a state of full awareness of your divine nature, your Reality, the union of your self with your soul, and of your soul with the supreme soul, God, within and around, all pervading.
Enlightenment is a state of your super-conscious mind which carries wisdom and truth together with the fullness of love in your heart and feelings for others. You begin to feel that others are nothing but a part of yourself, as the Creator feels for His creations.
Enlightenment is a state of your being which is always conscious of your eternal existence. It is the responsiveness of your Pure Consciousness, the Eternal Bliss of your oneness with the entire universe, and the background of all existence.
To attain such a state of your being, supreme realization, you have to gain fullness of love, self discipline and one-pointedness of mind towards your conscience and Mediator. You have to keep your body, mind and spirit clean. You need immediate reorientation of your life, with love for your environment, so that the evil spirit cannot be created by your ego or emotions or by any external force. You need to be free of all illusions through discriminating understanding. You must be in tune with all the angels of God, carrying strength and courage, love and faith, harmony and music, perfection and purity.
The Holy Spirit consists of love and wisdom with all these angels and qualities. You have to be tuned with this Holy Spirit and that spirit will work spontaneously through you. This union is real yoga. The more that spirit grows in you, the more truth will appear and more and more your being will be flooded with the Holy Spirit’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘No gift is ever greater than the love of God in our being working for the feelings of oneness with Him.
No solace is ever greater than the virtue to forgive and forget the one who caused pain and trouble to your life.
No happiness, either in heaven or on earth, is ever greater than one's realization of one's identity with God, his Supreme Father. The more one feels His Holy Spirit, His image as one's own self, one finds himself as the creations and his Father omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient.
No spiritual practice, meditation, prayer or yoga is greater than one's feelings at the state of his omnipresence as the name of God. In the beginning He was the word, Raa Dha Soa Mi.
One should have continuous autosuggestion about oneself, all the qualities of God as one's Real Nature, the beauty in every expression, love in every feeling, perfection in every action, purity of heart and character, cleanliness of mind without jealousy, hatred, an inferiority or superiority complex or any kind of illusion. When one can have final coordination of conscience, mind and action, ideal, self and environment, the Creator, creation and one's soul through this meditation, yoga or spiritual union, one can finally attain the kingdom of God, of heaven, the world of truth and knowledge, the laws of nature and every existence and ultimately the very genes of godhood.
No success in life is ever greater than the success of winning the battle between good and evil to remain in tranquility and peace beyond everything and to enrich one's self and the environment with all the equipments of being and becoming, with all the divine spirit, so that life can overcome all feelings of depression, wants, worries, any demerits or disorder or feelings of incompleteness, rather one can enjoy complete fulfilment of the material and spiritual life to shoot himself out of his life to embrace his Reality, the tranquility, oneness, eternity and everlasting Bliss’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
The following are some extracts from his books relating to meditation.
‘There is no meaning of faith, meditation, yoga or any spiritual services in life without correctly following the right principles of your life and its growth towards love, harmony and peace, with wisdom within and around. There is no meaning of any spiritual practices without knowing the self and its Reality. There is no meaning of a spiritual life without embracing the divinity that dispenses the dynamism of love, service and wisdom to life and the environment, and establishes the common Ideal of humanity’.
God, Guru & You
‘In every spiritual practice, there is a right yoga – the union of the self with the soul – to attain Self Realization, the realization of one’s Reality to achieve Eternal Life.
There is a proper meditation on the Mediator or Master, his ideal characteristics, guidance and divine messages, for the devotee to imbibe these qualities in life.
Devotees should also meditate on their own life and self and have self-introspection so that the spirit of their Master can work through their wishes, thoughts, actions, behaviour and relations, and adjust their character for the betterment of life.
Life is known by words, actions, behaviour, and the intentions behind the actions. Devotees should know who they are in their mortal self, in their own life, in their soul and in their Real Self. They should concentrate their mind so that the mind will be elevated towards Pure Consciousness to acquire knowledge and divine strength within to overcome all evils. They should have auto-suggestion about the purity, perfection, love, beauty, mercy and all goodness they carry as their Real Nature within themselves. They should maintain these qualities in their performance of life. This is spiritual practice.
As devotees have regular meditation, spiritual practice and demonstrate their elevation in daily life, they should also surrender their life to their Prophet or Master to such an extent that they can become the instrument at the Hand of God, to carry His spirit and messages to others. Thus devotees will be perfect torch-bearers all the time to flood the lives of others with love and light, without the least hesitation or doubt. This spontaneous divine ‘go’ of life keeps devotees empowered with all the divine forces of God, where no evil or weakness can enter. Thus they become courageous, powerful, free and feel themselves ever blessed. When a devotee’s life becomes ever charming, serviceable and cheerful, no depression can appear, no feelings of wants or worries appear, no sense of failure or any kind of frustration haunts the life’.
God, Guru & You
‘If the self does not have introspection, meditation and repetition of the Holy Name to absorb refuse in the eternal mind or Mother Nature, the exhaust gases that come from the mind are poisonous. The loving atmosphere in a family and society are contaminated. This is more poisonous than the exhaust of all the machines in large cities. Every human life is in hell, whether they go to church or temple or sit at the feet of any representative of the Master or not. Therefore so many teachings, good suggestions or inspiration that have been given do not work properly for the remedy or cure. So the world appears as a mental hospital’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘There is no meaning of your meditation, spiritual practice, yoga or any kind of church service or worshipping your mediator or God if you are not fully tuned with the Holy Spirit and divine qualities of your godhood in every step of your life, all the time’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘You should know what is the right meditation. Self-introspection, self-adjustment and self-elevation should be your constant practice. You are meant to enjoy your God within you and the beauty of the world. Enjoy the world and let the world enjoy you’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘Think to yourself that you hold your Lord or Guru in your heart. Then think how he guides you, saves you, corrects you and always carries you towards your elevation, your experience of love, harmony and peace.
Meditate how the same Cosmic Being created Himself as energy, power and the infinite varieties of existence. Meditate how this creation, transformation and unification with Him goes on everywhere.
Meditate how the laws of cause and effect work in every existence for transformation, realizing that nothing that exists is the same.
Meditate how time and the manifestation of energy with the laws of being and becoming work through Mother Nature in every existence.
Meditate through your conscience and one-pointedness of mind how the circle of birth and death, of souls and spirit, is going on, how different auras and vibrations in existence reflect and react on each other, what good or smoky vibrations are gathering, and act accordingly.
Meditate how the force of ego works in your life and under what conditions. When does ego come to the fore covering love and devotion? When does suspicion haunt the mind? When does depression catch the mind causing hopelessness, frustration, helplessness and lovelessness to appear as loneliness and grip the heart in hell? Find out the grounds and conditions that overpower you and act as the agents to harm you and others through jealousy, lust, greed, acute selfishness, anger and all kinds of self-destructive moods. When you can recognise the evil spirit, you can command it and drive it out.
Meditate the characteristics of the Holy Spirit and how it works to save lives from the influence of the evil spirit that causes suffering, sadness and total contraction of the being. The Holy Spirit creates love and expansion. The evil spirit creates lust and contraction. After every expansion in nature, there always follows a contraction. If expansion comes not only in material matters but also in the spiritual life, and if that life serves the holy purpose of God for the expansion of others, then expansion will again follow and there is no contraction.
Meditate the Holy Name. Repeat it with full devotion and faith. The Holy Name is the original Being of God. The more you repeat it and chant it within you, the more God’s spirit will awaken in you and you will become free’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘Let our meditation be perfect. As we meditate and follow, so we become. This being and becoming is the ultimate goal of every life. To follow the principles of being and becoming is the true religion of mankind’.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
‘This transformation or the identity of one's self with one's Reality is the state of trance, the state of final Enlightenment.
Unless one has meditation or auto-suggestion on one's Real Nature of godhood as the Holy Spirit, thus raising oneself, any spiritual practice, meditation, prayer or praising God remains barren and there is no substantial effect. Unless that supreme excitement comes, meditation or union is incomplete.
The vital point is the crossing of one's soul with the Master's soul. Thus the intimacy or blending of the self with God is essential to attain Ultimate Enlightenment’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘Self introspection, self adjustment and self elevation in every moment of life is the right path to follow. Without doing this, no meditation or yoga, no learning or teaching or artificial spiritual practice can enlighten you to the truth, real love, expansion and elevation of the self.
The artificial performance of yoga or meditation or the rituals of any service in church, temple, mosque or synagogue without a real communion with the Holy Spirit or the Mediator we follow will only carry mankind towards a type of intoxication of the spirit which is identified with the ego satisfying one's fear of God. None should fear God, rather one should be careful not to hurt His spirit in anybody’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘The more you follow right teachings, yoga or meditation, the more you will be disturbed, as this is the natural consequence. You should be strong enough to overcome such disturbances. Where there is fire, cold air automatically comes to extinguish or inflame it the more’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘You should know that praising God or your Mediator or any other yoga, meditation or ritual or remaining charmed in God has no meaning unless you can also charm Him with your genuine faith and love and the right image of your life. You should trust yourself, have the self confidence that you carry the Holy Spirit and its divine qualities in your character with love and wisdom. As much as you can charm God or your Mediator with your life, love and activities, so much is His spirit awakened in you’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘Many practice different yogas in order to raise the self from the lower nature to the higher nature, to raise the kundalini from the lower chakras to the higher chakras. The different processes given by different yogis or spiritual teachers in both the east and the west may not be applicable to everyone, to those who really want to be free of illusions, ignorance and bondage.
Real yoga, the union of the self and the Holy Spirit, should work in every thought, word and action, not only at the particular moment of meditation or any kind of yoga.
Unless the mind is clean and tuned with Pure Consciousness, the heart is pure and filled with the eternal Love of God, the character is fully disciplined with right behaviour, respect and discriminating understanding in every step of life, yoga remains a mechanical and artificial performance in the attempt for enlightenment.
Yoga consists of the coordination of the conscience, mind and action, the coordination of the self, environment and Ideal so that life can play its role perfectly with ideal love and relationships, with its instinctive talents, to discharge its day-to-day duties and responsibilities.
Real yoga awakens the mind to the right judgement, right decisions and right ideas in order to materialise them in action. As you sow, so you reap. As you do, so you achieve. When we do anything perfectly that is good and fulfilling towards Our love and faith and for the interest of our Ideal, our spirit grows through those deeds and actions, with the manifestation of the holy teachings in our character.
As we do, so we become. It is the right being and becoming which accelerates our mind and heart towards further Enlightenment. It is the architect who makes the blueprint for the builder to follow. So the enlightened mind becomes the architect to build up our character. That is real yoga.
We plan what we should be and practise and become that. Any of the scriptures or holy messages of Prophets or Masters create an auto-initiative urge with devotion and faith to follow that guiding principle or spiritual force for the reorientation of life towards its Enlightenment.
Your meditation on your self and your Ideal should work simultaneously so that you can know the gap, the difference, and rightly introspect through the eyes of your Ideal or Master. When you adjust and reorient yourself in every moment of life for the immediate transformation of yourself to the Holy Spirit, that Holy Spirit becomes yourself and the guiding force in your life to enlighten others.
The more you inspire and help others for their correction and elevation, the more you try to be elevated, the more you become enlightened.
Enlightenment is a state of full awareness of your divine nature, your Reality, the union of your self with your soul, and of your soul with the supreme soul, God, within and around, all pervading.
Enlightenment is a state of your super-conscious mind which carries wisdom and truth together with the fullness of love in your heart and feelings for others. You begin to feel that others are nothing but a part of yourself, as the Creator feels for His creations.
Enlightenment is a state of your being which is always conscious of your eternal existence. It is the responsiveness of your Pure Consciousness, the Eternal Bliss of your oneness with the entire universe, and the background of all existence.
To attain such a state of your being, supreme realization, you have to gain fullness of love, self discipline and one-pointedness of mind towards your conscience and Mediator. You have to keep your body, mind and spirit clean. You need immediate reorientation of your life, with love for your environment, so that the evil spirit cannot be created by your ego or emotions or by any external force. You need to be free of all illusions through discriminating understanding. You must be in tune with all the angels of God, carrying strength and courage, love and faith, harmony and music, perfection and purity.
The Holy Spirit consists of love and wisdom with all these angels and qualities. You have to be tuned with this Holy Spirit and that spirit will work spontaneously through you. This union is real yoga. The more that spirit grows in you, the more truth will appear and more and more your being will be flooded with the Holy Spirit’.
Ultimate Enlightenment
‘No gift is ever greater than the love of God in our being working for the feelings of oneness with Him.
No solace is ever greater than the virtue to forgive and forget the one who caused pain and trouble to your life.
No happiness, either in heaven or on earth, is ever greater than one's realization of one's identity with God, his Supreme Father. The more one feels His Holy Spirit, His image as one's own self, one finds himself as the creations and his Father omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient.
No spiritual practice, meditation, prayer or yoga is greater than one's feelings at the state of his omnipresence as the name of God. In the beginning He was the word, Raa Dha Soa Mi.
One should have continuous autosuggestion about oneself, all the qualities of God as one's Real Nature, the beauty in every expression, love in every feeling, perfection in every action, purity of heart and character, cleanliness of mind without jealousy, hatred, an inferiority or superiority complex or any kind of illusion. When one can have final coordination of conscience, mind and action, ideal, self and environment, the Creator, creation and one's soul through this meditation, yoga or spiritual union, one can finally attain the kingdom of God, of heaven, the world of truth and knowledge, the laws of nature and every existence and ultimately the very genes of godhood.
No success in life is ever greater than the success of winning the battle between good and evil to remain in tranquility and peace beyond everything and to enrich one's self and the environment with all the equipments of being and becoming, with all the divine spirit, so that life can overcome all feelings of depression, wants, worries, any demerits or disorder or feelings of incompleteness, rather one can enjoy complete fulfilment of the material and spiritual life to shoot himself out of his life to embrace his Reality, the tranquility, oneness, eternity and everlasting Bliss’.
Ultimate Enlightenment