Raa Dha Soa Mi
Gurubaba Ashram
Centennial Birthday Celebrations
Video Three
a little attempt
Sat Chit Anandam
World of Bondages
freedom, surrender, joy
Short talk & RS
Go deeper inside
Take me
God's Kingdom
Self realisation, fish curry, maddening urge
Our Mission
We all say Love is God
Ocean of Supreme Bliss
Video Two
Pull the lord and his spirit of love within you
The vast world of joy within you
The age of dynamism
Loveism is the answer
Bent's Birthday
For men, women, devotees of all faiths
About Love
Five incidents from the life of Thakur
Environment, life, spirit
After I gave myself to Thakur
Video One
There are four things that attack mankind . . .
You are that which makes you happy
When you close your eyes for meditation . . .
About Life
In Search of God
On Ideal Life
On Meditation and Salvation
You are that Spirit of God
The Art of Plugging
Audio Six
real yoga
God is your own self
Easter 1974
Highgate opening
live with your love ball
divine weapons
Ice melts to water
Birthday Speech 1987
I am The Love
Symbol of love and truth
five channels
Reaching Him
19th Dec 1973 Birthday Speech
Audio Five
Knocking & Shocking
About God
my real friend
Carry to Love
Whatever you give
Reach to the soul
Holy Spirit born
In this world . . .
You can find Me
God is present
Audio Four
Spiritual Practice
Speak about space
Nothing belongs to me
Journey of life
You are That
Ways of Yoga
Audio Three
Satsang, Satnam, Satguru
The Love
You can find Me
There is no pinpoint of space that is empty
Nature is always bossed by eight angels
How one can be happy
Spiritual Essence
Audio Two
Speech to Theosophical Society Canada 12 June 1973
Talk 9 March 1997 Canada
Talk of Maharaj 29th March 1997
Extract from talk of Maharaj about Sree Sree Thakur Anukul Chandra
May God work through you
Talk of Maharaj 21st April 1985
Talking about the Soul
Talk of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj June 1995 Canada
The Purpose of Life
About God
Audio One
Dayal Thakur
The Essence of life . . . is to be free
13th September 1992 Speech UK
True Monkhood (audio with transcript)
The Soul and Angels
On Happiness (audio)
Talk of Maharaj December 5th 1982, Canada (audio with transcript)
On Marriage (audio with transcript)
The Beginning of Creations (audio with transcript)
The Glory of God (audio with transcript)
Bengali and Hindi songs
kay tomai dilo atto prem
Geeti Kallol
wipe others' tears
Guru Bhakti
stay in my heart
do you want to know
Day & Night
O Thakur
Dayal Thakur
Bengali and Hindi speeches
wipe others' tears
Devotion (Bengali)
real Guru
Nirvana & Mantra (Hindi)
Thakur's Birthday 1983
Thakur's birthday Birsanagar 1994
Birthday Speech of Maharaj 1983
Bengali Speech of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj, 16th September 1983
Bengali Speech 4th May 1983 Jamshedpur
Written Words Two
Nirvana & Mantra
A Monk
I have come not to preach
As you sow
God does not care
Twelve Angels
The Causes of Suffering
The Purpose of Meditation
Written Words One
Never be Bitter
Code of Conduct
The Journey to Attain Peace
The Tempo of Spiritual Life
On Happiness
On Meditation
One-a-day Short Sayings
English Love Songs
Sung by Maharaj
The day I came to the feet of my Guru
I always remember you
This may be my last life
I learnt from my Father
Life is a temporary shelter
When can I love
I am a cultivator
Maharaj sings I always remember you
Sung by devotees and others
songs of my Master by Yogananda
eighteen songs
Be happy
If you forget me
O my Lord, where are you?
The Quality of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
One-a-day Short Sayings
Talk of Maharaj, 17th March 1990, Holima's, Chesham, UK
Raa Dha Soa Mi
Gurubaba Ashram
Centennial Birthday Celebrations
Video Three
a little attempt
Sat Chit Anandam
World of Bondages
freedom, surrender, joy
Short talk & RS
Go deeper inside
Take me
God's Kingdom
Self realisation, fish curry, maddening urge
Our Mission
We all say Love is God
Ocean of Supreme Bliss
Video Two
Pull the lord and his spirit of love within you
The vast world of joy within you
The age of dynamism
Loveism is the answer
Bent's Birthday
For men, women, devotees of all faiths
About Love
Five incidents from the life of Thakur
Environment, life, spirit
After I gave myself to Thakur
Video One
There are four things that attack mankind . . .
You are that which makes you happy
When you close your eyes for meditation . . .
About Life
In Search of God
On Ideal Life
On Meditation and Salvation
You are that Spirit of God
The Art of Plugging
Audio Six
real yoga
God is your own self
Easter 1974
Highgate opening
live with your love ball
divine weapons
Ice melts to water
Birthday Speech 1987
I am The Love
Symbol of love and truth
five channels
Reaching Him
19th Dec 1973 Birthday Speech
Audio Five
Knocking & Shocking
About God
my real friend
Carry to Love
Whatever you give
Reach to the soul
Holy Spirit born
In this world . . .
You can find Me
God is present
Audio Four
Spiritual Practice
Speak about space
Nothing belongs to me
Journey of life
You are That
Ways of Yoga
Audio Three
Satsang, Satnam, Satguru
The Love
You can find Me
There is no pinpoint of space that is empty
Nature is always bossed by eight angels
How one can be happy
Spiritual Essence
Audio Two
Speech to Theosophical Society Canada 12 June 1973
Talk 9 March 1997 Canada
Talk of Maharaj 29th March 1997
Extract from talk of Maharaj about Sree Sree Thakur Anukul Chandra
May God work through you
Talk of Maharaj 21st April 1985
Talking about the Soul
Talk of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj June 1995 Canada
The Purpose of Life
About God
Audio One
Dayal Thakur
The Essence of life . . . is to be free
13th September 1992 Speech UK
True Monkhood (audio with transcript)
The Soul and Angels
On Happiness (audio)
Talk of Maharaj December 5th 1982, Canada (audio with transcript)
On Marriage (audio with transcript)
The Beginning of Creations (audio with transcript)
The Glory of God (audio with transcript)
Bengali and Hindi songs
kay tomai dilo atto prem
Geeti Kallol
wipe others' tears
Guru Bhakti
stay in my heart
do you want to know
Day & Night
O Thakur
Dayal Thakur
Bengali and Hindi speeches
wipe others' tears
Devotion (Bengali)
real Guru
Nirvana & Mantra (Hindi)
Thakur's Birthday 1983
Thakur's birthday Birsanagar 1994
Birthday Speech of Maharaj 1983
Bengali Speech of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj, 16th September 1983
Bengali Speech 4th May 1983 Jamshedpur
Written Words Two
Nirvana & Mantra
A Monk
I have come not to preach
As you sow
God does not care
Twelve Angels
The Causes of Suffering
The Purpose of Meditation
Written Words One
Never be Bitter
Code of Conduct
The Journey to Attain Peace
The Tempo of Spiritual Life
On Happiness
On Meditation
One-a-day Short Sayings
English Love Songs
Sung by Maharaj
The day I came to the feet of my Guru
I always remember you
This may be my last life
I learnt from my Father
Life is a temporary shelter
When can I love
I am a cultivator
Maharaj sings I always remember you
Sung by devotees and others
songs of my Master by Yogananda
eighteen songs
Be happy
If you forget me
O my Lord, where are you?
The Quality of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
One-a-day Short Sayings