'Love can take on many forms, expressions and emotions, but it has no form of its own. No one knows what love is, but everyone feels it in their relationships and the way it fulfils their desires and wishes. Love flows naturally whenever a lover nurtures that love in himself and focuses it on his beloved through his care and service. Love creates such a force that it cannot be prevented, diverted or sealed. It will break through any door or barrier, any hatred in the heart. It will penetrate an icy heart or smokey mind to reach Pure Consciousness, Light and Truth in everyone. This Love is the feeling of oneness.
Every self is born to hold this love and allow it to carry the self to the truth and the ultimate goal of life. Life is the energy and pattern in which the self works with that love, in order to carry the self from matter to spirit, from animality to manhood, from manhood to godhood, where it merges with the Universal Self, the universal ocean of Love that can feel one with every love existing in creation.
Love exists as God, as the Son of God, as the Holy Spirit. Love exists in its grosser form as every existence. It is the spirit, the unifying urge that binds all in One and finds One in all.
Love floats in every vision and in oceans of observation to discover light in darkness, beauty in ugliness, perfection, purity and peace in disorder and chaos. It is through real love, either in gross or spirit form, that the self can reach heaven, the kingdom of all awareness. It is through love and right understanding that realization appears about the source of love, and about the different roles love plays to create faith. It is faith that holds and energizes love to play in life in so many different ways. Then you realize that even the complexes, passions or emotions that make up the suffering in life are nothing but the denial of that love because of the madness of selfishness.
Everything that exists is nothing but love. The rest is but temporary illusions of different selves trying to hit each other, grab each other, confine each other, which all leads to utter darkness. Otherwise there is no darkness.
Every human being is an amalgam of instincts, different characteristics and tendencies, various influences and impressions received in life, many of which may be carried over from past lives. Contained within each one of you is both all that is divine, and all that is likely to lead you into the multiplicity and chaos of life.
With so many forces pulling in different directions, everyone needs to search out the ways and means to gather their scattered beings into one cohesive whole. This urge makes you seek out another human being, with whom you can lose your sense of separateness and confusion and feel the security of belonging somewhere or with someone.
This urge for unification exists throughout the entire creation. Without it, the whole of creation would remain equally scattered and disunited. It is for this reason that the seed of unification is implanted in every dot of cosmic dust, in every variety of form existing in the universe. That seed is called love. Its energy is such that it not only unifies but carries the tremendous longing to make the whole of creation ache to be one with its source, the Creator Himself.
Love so permeates every atom and cell in your being that whatever you love or wish for is carried by that love. Every physical, mental or emotional yearning is motivated by love. It is, however, coloured by the quality of your wish. If your love originates from some selfishness, complex or attachment, it will manifest according to that emotion. If you show feelings of protection, caring or wanting to comfort, your love will carry purity and a lack of selfishness and demonstrate these qualities.
On the physical level, sex is the energy that motivates our search for unification. There is love with or without sex, because life was born from our sex and love. Sex is the condition of physical union for the self to realize that it can release itself into becoming one with another. As many times as it is able to achieve this, so does it feel it is undergoing its metamorphosis of being one with many.
Love means the feeling of oneness between two people or with many. Ultimately, love pulls every life towards its Creator, the source of love, where there is no sex.
Sex and love, therefore, are two poles of the self. Sex wants the beloved to be the object of its joy. Love wants the self to be one with its beloved, and for the joy of the beloved. Both are the same energy but with this difference: sex should be transformed to love that can lead beyond the physical to that ultimate union with God.
When life leads you beyond the self and the gratification of emotions, love is free from the pull of the self and is pure. In such love there is no sex, only the joy of Universal Love and feelings of oneness.
The sex energy tends to gratify the self. The love energy works towards fulfilling the beloved. The former therefore is selfish, the latter selfless. When both energies work equally, relationships are harmonious. Any imbalance creates conflict in any partnership. This is why both the sexes need to know how to handle the other, how to sacrifice and surrender to each other, so that their mutual trust and respect enables them to grow towards a union in which the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of their lives merge and become one.
The sexual act provides you with a taste of that ultimate joy when the self loses its feeling of separateness and merges in union with its object of love. Spiritually, this condition is known as the state of trance in which the self realizes its true identity as belonging to the Creator and is reunited with God. Physically, it is known as orgasm, when the emotion of sex dissolves the self into existence as all-pervading oneness.
The primitive instinct of life is sex. The primary instinct of life is love. This distinction is most important. The first is a basic level, the second is a higher one. Any lovemaking between two should be for the sake of giving pleasure to each other, rather than for selfish sexual gratification.
All growth lies in expansion from the self to others. Sex remains confined in love of the self, unless it is directed towards love of another. Sex when transformed becomes the fullest expression of divine love.
Love is omnipresent as Pure Consciousness. Love is omnipotent with all Energy for the expansion of every existence. Love is omniscient with all Light in and around every existence. Love is God'.
Ultimate Enlightenment
'Love appears from the self being charmed with the beauty, quality and character of the life it feels as its very own, whether it is the Lord of Love, a Mediator in spiritual life, the lover or beloved in worldly life, or the love of parents for their children, feeling them as their seed and being.
Love energizes itself through service, understanding and following the wishes of its Beloved one. The more one remains charmed, with great admiration, in the love and qualities of the Beloved, the more one evolves.
Love flows spontaneously, as much as it is drawn by the hunger of others’ heart and the charms and regard of the Lover or Beloved.
Love expands to love and serve the greater world through the mutual exchange of love between Lover and Beloved.
Love and faith create auto-initiative obedience to the wishes and commands of the Beloved or Lord, and naturally follow the principles of being and becoming as religion.
Love works every moment, all the time, in every step of life, consciously or unconsciously, to protect, expand and establish the interests of the Beloved the Best in the world.
Love finds its existence and expansion in its Beloved through its active dedication.
Love always seeks and finds the ways and means to fulfil the life of the Beloved towards his all round growth, and finds joy and expansion of life through the life and expansion of the Beloved.
Love surrenders to its Love and binds lives in oneness for all achievement. It commands respect and remains ever respectful to the Beloved.
Love cares for the pain, suffering, disorder and damage of others’ lives and always helps them to attain peace and order. Thus it shares their pleasure, so there is no place for hatred, jealousy or pain to appear in the life of love.
Love enjoys any suffering in the process of caring for, pleasing and fulfilling the Beloved, whether that love works through parents for children, through a devoted husband and wife for each other, or as a true friend in any friendship. It is active love created by deep devotion and faith that can acquire all the divine spirit of the Master, Prophet or Mediator in life. Love is Lord-consciousness. Love is the spirit of God in human life.
Love is the source of all unity, purity and perfection for the benediction of divine romance in life to enjoy the Holy Spirit, overpowering all evils.
Love is charmed in itself and charms others, adjusting and fulfilling the instinctive inclinations and emotions that help others grow towards elevation and ultimate realization of the Love, the Light, the Holy Spirit, godhood.
Love materializes those desires beneficial to life and growth and is profitable to love itself to win and own The Love alone. Thus Love surrenders to The Love and commands any life and relationship.
Love is all-embracing.
Love denies the shadow of doubt.
Love plays its tricks with the tricks of selfishness and helps others’ lives to be free from the prison of ignorance, attachment or any bondage.
Love is never repelled by anything, except hypocrisy and a disrespectful attitude.
Love is ever truthful and brings life to the Light of all Truth. Sometimes it acts with diplomacy to adjust those who are hiding from The Love.
Love is the seer, and Love alone knows. Love always loves anything natural, normal or exceptional but expresses it, to maintain love and peace, with proper measurement in every expression of life, according to the circumstances and person of contact.
Love comes from the heart and heaven within to lift life from hell. Love is the Love that loveth all – but only for the one it loves most.
It is love that helps rectify all weaknesses and faults in life. It is love that energizes life to evolve and elevate to the right direction to achieve godhood.
Love is a chariot. Love is the path. Love is the beginning of life. Love is the destination of life. Through love alone, the real light of wisdom creates true conscience for right judgement and better benevolence in anyone’s life.
It is the Love of the Lord that all should achieve to bring unity and peace on earth.
Ultimate Enlightenment
Love In the chaos of life, emotion and relationships, pure love, respect and devotion – with full trust in God, the Beloved and own self – can rescue the human soul. Pure love expands like the branches, leaves and fruit of the tree from its seed and root towards all the relations of the Beloved and Lover, all interests, comfort and glory of the Beloved with full sacrifice of the self.
Blessed are those who can fully love and find all solace and happiness to live together and grow, both materially and spiritually, to embrace reality, purity and peace in life.
Blessed are those who enjoy what the love really is, what is the truth in life, love and relations so that no other limitation, possession, position or lust for any emotion or power, can ever haunt such a soul.
God is all pervading with all love, light and everlasting existence in every existence. God is the warmth of love carrying Himself as love to every existence to feel Him who exists in everything and to feel that all exist in Him beyond all hatred, jealousy and ignorance, beyond limitation, illusion or bondage.
Every human soul is as part of God. Without Him existing actively in one and when one is no away of Him as love, truth, peace and unity with all that exists, every life experiences the condition of insects who exist for themselves in a limited world to eat and survive like termites. There are many human termites who destroy many lives, not only relations and friends and others but also own self.
The difference between the termite and the human soul is that a human being can carry the maximum potentiality of godhood with love and truth, with understanding and right judgement to think rightly, do rightly, behave rightly and enjoy life and growth, love and expansion, truth and unity with the Supreme.
Blessed are those who truly value what is the human life and follow all the guiding forces that come through Mother Nature, a genuine guide or ones conscience.
Blessed are those who realize life is not a madhouse but the abode of God to carry His love, light and inspiration to others without any confinement in the selfish world of limitation or any other condition which invites misery and unhappiness.
Every human life whether male or female, child or elderly, is a spark or image of God to enjoy His greatness with the right display of His qualities and glory as all embracing love, truth and awareness, wisdom and right judgement. With all beauty and unity with the kiss of love and bliss of heaven. Thus every human soul can be established as a part of God and ever feel that oneness, either as unification with Him or carrying Him within oneself.
The truth of all truths is that there is One in every soul and all souls belong to one Soul and it is the Holy Spirit in the form of love and truth that helps everyone to awaken.
To love Him in one’s beloved or lover and accept Him as the beloved or lover and to carry that love to every life, beyond any selfish end is the ultimate goal of life, love and relations beyond all limitation or bondage.
Blessed are those who are free and enjoy this love with every existence and enjoy His reality at the background of all existence and perfectly live their lives towards the Ideal, guru, prophet or the godhood in every man.
Blessed are those who can remove all chaos from their own lives and the lives of others and remain in cosmos.
Life is meant for purifying love. Love is meant for union with God and His creations, and every kind of creation is meant for the fulfillment of the instincts of life and love as is suitable for each existence. Every life works towards this truth.
Understand where you are and what you want, what progress you have made and what type of life, love and relationships you want. But never suffer, enjoy every moment of your life and remain blessed.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
Every self is born to hold this love and allow it to carry the self to the truth and the ultimate goal of life. Life is the energy and pattern in which the self works with that love, in order to carry the self from matter to spirit, from animality to manhood, from manhood to godhood, where it merges with the Universal Self, the universal ocean of Love that can feel one with every love existing in creation.
Love exists as God, as the Son of God, as the Holy Spirit. Love exists in its grosser form as every existence. It is the spirit, the unifying urge that binds all in One and finds One in all.
Love floats in every vision and in oceans of observation to discover light in darkness, beauty in ugliness, perfection, purity and peace in disorder and chaos. It is through real love, either in gross or spirit form, that the self can reach heaven, the kingdom of all awareness. It is through love and right understanding that realization appears about the source of love, and about the different roles love plays to create faith. It is faith that holds and energizes love to play in life in so many different ways. Then you realize that even the complexes, passions or emotions that make up the suffering in life are nothing but the denial of that love because of the madness of selfishness.
Everything that exists is nothing but love. The rest is but temporary illusions of different selves trying to hit each other, grab each other, confine each other, which all leads to utter darkness. Otherwise there is no darkness.
Every human being is an amalgam of instincts, different characteristics and tendencies, various influences and impressions received in life, many of which may be carried over from past lives. Contained within each one of you is both all that is divine, and all that is likely to lead you into the multiplicity and chaos of life.
With so many forces pulling in different directions, everyone needs to search out the ways and means to gather their scattered beings into one cohesive whole. This urge makes you seek out another human being, with whom you can lose your sense of separateness and confusion and feel the security of belonging somewhere or with someone.
This urge for unification exists throughout the entire creation. Without it, the whole of creation would remain equally scattered and disunited. It is for this reason that the seed of unification is implanted in every dot of cosmic dust, in every variety of form existing in the universe. That seed is called love. Its energy is such that it not only unifies but carries the tremendous longing to make the whole of creation ache to be one with its source, the Creator Himself.
Love so permeates every atom and cell in your being that whatever you love or wish for is carried by that love. Every physical, mental or emotional yearning is motivated by love. It is, however, coloured by the quality of your wish. If your love originates from some selfishness, complex or attachment, it will manifest according to that emotion. If you show feelings of protection, caring or wanting to comfort, your love will carry purity and a lack of selfishness and demonstrate these qualities.
On the physical level, sex is the energy that motivates our search for unification. There is love with or without sex, because life was born from our sex and love. Sex is the condition of physical union for the self to realize that it can release itself into becoming one with another. As many times as it is able to achieve this, so does it feel it is undergoing its metamorphosis of being one with many.
Love means the feeling of oneness between two people or with many. Ultimately, love pulls every life towards its Creator, the source of love, where there is no sex.
Sex and love, therefore, are two poles of the self. Sex wants the beloved to be the object of its joy. Love wants the self to be one with its beloved, and for the joy of the beloved. Both are the same energy but with this difference: sex should be transformed to love that can lead beyond the physical to that ultimate union with God.
When life leads you beyond the self and the gratification of emotions, love is free from the pull of the self and is pure. In such love there is no sex, only the joy of Universal Love and feelings of oneness.
The sex energy tends to gratify the self. The love energy works towards fulfilling the beloved. The former therefore is selfish, the latter selfless. When both energies work equally, relationships are harmonious. Any imbalance creates conflict in any partnership. This is why both the sexes need to know how to handle the other, how to sacrifice and surrender to each other, so that their mutual trust and respect enables them to grow towards a union in which the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of their lives merge and become one.
The sexual act provides you with a taste of that ultimate joy when the self loses its feeling of separateness and merges in union with its object of love. Spiritually, this condition is known as the state of trance in which the self realizes its true identity as belonging to the Creator and is reunited with God. Physically, it is known as orgasm, when the emotion of sex dissolves the self into existence as all-pervading oneness.
The primitive instinct of life is sex. The primary instinct of life is love. This distinction is most important. The first is a basic level, the second is a higher one. Any lovemaking between two should be for the sake of giving pleasure to each other, rather than for selfish sexual gratification.
All growth lies in expansion from the self to others. Sex remains confined in love of the self, unless it is directed towards love of another. Sex when transformed becomes the fullest expression of divine love.
Love is omnipresent as Pure Consciousness. Love is omnipotent with all Energy for the expansion of every existence. Love is omniscient with all Light in and around every existence. Love is God'.
Ultimate Enlightenment
'Love appears from the self being charmed with the beauty, quality and character of the life it feels as its very own, whether it is the Lord of Love, a Mediator in spiritual life, the lover or beloved in worldly life, or the love of parents for their children, feeling them as their seed and being.
Love energizes itself through service, understanding and following the wishes of its Beloved one. The more one remains charmed, with great admiration, in the love and qualities of the Beloved, the more one evolves.
Love flows spontaneously, as much as it is drawn by the hunger of others’ heart and the charms and regard of the Lover or Beloved.
Love expands to love and serve the greater world through the mutual exchange of love between Lover and Beloved.
Love and faith create auto-initiative obedience to the wishes and commands of the Beloved or Lord, and naturally follow the principles of being and becoming as religion.
Love works every moment, all the time, in every step of life, consciously or unconsciously, to protect, expand and establish the interests of the Beloved the Best in the world.
Love finds its existence and expansion in its Beloved through its active dedication.
Love always seeks and finds the ways and means to fulfil the life of the Beloved towards his all round growth, and finds joy and expansion of life through the life and expansion of the Beloved.
Love surrenders to its Love and binds lives in oneness for all achievement. It commands respect and remains ever respectful to the Beloved.
Love cares for the pain, suffering, disorder and damage of others’ lives and always helps them to attain peace and order. Thus it shares their pleasure, so there is no place for hatred, jealousy or pain to appear in the life of love.
Love enjoys any suffering in the process of caring for, pleasing and fulfilling the Beloved, whether that love works through parents for children, through a devoted husband and wife for each other, or as a true friend in any friendship. It is active love created by deep devotion and faith that can acquire all the divine spirit of the Master, Prophet or Mediator in life. Love is Lord-consciousness. Love is the spirit of God in human life.
Love is the source of all unity, purity and perfection for the benediction of divine romance in life to enjoy the Holy Spirit, overpowering all evils.
Love is charmed in itself and charms others, adjusting and fulfilling the instinctive inclinations and emotions that help others grow towards elevation and ultimate realization of the Love, the Light, the Holy Spirit, godhood.
Love materializes those desires beneficial to life and growth and is profitable to love itself to win and own The Love alone. Thus Love surrenders to The Love and commands any life and relationship.
Love is all-embracing.
Love denies the shadow of doubt.
Love plays its tricks with the tricks of selfishness and helps others’ lives to be free from the prison of ignorance, attachment or any bondage.
Love is never repelled by anything, except hypocrisy and a disrespectful attitude.
Love is ever truthful and brings life to the Light of all Truth. Sometimes it acts with diplomacy to adjust those who are hiding from The Love.
Love is the seer, and Love alone knows. Love always loves anything natural, normal or exceptional but expresses it, to maintain love and peace, with proper measurement in every expression of life, according to the circumstances and person of contact.
Love comes from the heart and heaven within to lift life from hell. Love is the Love that loveth all – but only for the one it loves most.
It is love that helps rectify all weaknesses and faults in life. It is love that energizes life to evolve and elevate to the right direction to achieve godhood.
Love is a chariot. Love is the path. Love is the beginning of life. Love is the destination of life. Through love alone, the real light of wisdom creates true conscience for right judgement and better benevolence in anyone’s life.
It is the Love of the Lord that all should achieve to bring unity and peace on earth.
Ultimate Enlightenment
Love In the chaos of life, emotion and relationships, pure love, respect and devotion – with full trust in God, the Beloved and own self – can rescue the human soul. Pure love expands like the branches, leaves and fruit of the tree from its seed and root towards all the relations of the Beloved and Lover, all interests, comfort and glory of the Beloved with full sacrifice of the self.
Blessed are those who can fully love and find all solace and happiness to live together and grow, both materially and spiritually, to embrace reality, purity and peace in life.
Blessed are those who enjoy what the love really is, what is the truth in life, love and relations so that no other limitation, possession, position or lust for any emotion or power, can ever haunt such a soul.
God is all pervading with all love, light and everlasting existence in every existence. God is the warmth of love carrying Himself as love to every existence to feel Him who exists in everything and to feel that all exist in Him beyond all hatred, jealousy and ignorance, beyond limitation, illusion or bondage.
Every human soul is as part of God. Without Him existing actively in one and when one is no away of Him as love, truth, peace and unity with all that exists, every life experiences the condition of insects who exist for themselves in a limited world to eat and survive like termites. There are many human termites who destroy many lives, not only relations and friends and others but also own self.
The difference between the termite and the human soul is that a human being can carry the maximum potentiality of godhood with love and truth, with understanding and right judgement to think rightly, do rightly, behave rightly and enjoy life and growth, love and expansion, truth and unity with the Supreme.
Blessed are those who truly value what is the human life and follow all the guiding forces that come through Mother Nature, a genuine guide or ones conscience.
Blessed are those who realize life is not a madhouse but the abode of God to carry His love, light and inspiration to others without any confinement in the selfish world of limitation or any other condition which invites misery and unhappiness.
Every human life whether male or female, child or elderly, is a spark or image of God to enjoy His greatness with the right display of His qualities and glory as all embracing love, truth and awareness, wisdom and right judgement. With all beauty and unity with the kiss of love and bliss of heaven. Thus every human soul can be established as a part of God and ever feel that oneness, either as unification with Him or carrying Him within oneself.
The truth of all truths is that there is One in every soul and all souls belong to one Soul and it is the Holy Spirit in the form of love and truth that helps everyone to awaken.
To love Him in one’s beloved or lover and accept Him as the beloved or lover and to carry that love to every life, beyond any selfish end is the ultimate goal of life, love and relations beyond all limitation or bondage.
Blessed are those who are free and enjoy this love with every existence and enjoy His reality at the background of all existence and perfectly live their lives towards the Ideal, guru, prophet or the godhood in every man.
Blessed are those who can remove all chaos from their own lives and the lives of others and remain in cosmos.
Life is meant for purifying love. Love is meant for union with God and His creations, and every kind of creation is meant for the fulfillment of the instincts of life and love as is suitable for each existence. Every life works towards this truth.
Understand where you are and what you want, what progress you have made and what type of life, love and relationships you want. But never suffer, enjoy every moment of your life and remain blessed.
Messages of Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj